The Rocky Mountain Cider Association (RMCA) is an organization of commercial producers of (hard) cider and perry in the Rocky Mountain region: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Our goals are to promote the understanding and appreciation of quality cider in our region, to help producers and suppliers find one another and work together for common goals, and to coordinate events to develop the craft cider industry in our region.

RMCA was formed in late 2011.  As of early 2016, we have 42 members of which 18 are licensed commercial wineries, 16 of them predominantly cider producers.  There are also six cidery-in-planning Associate members.

If you are a producer (licensed winery) in the region, and your main product is cider and/or perry, you may apply for Full membership including voting privileges. If you aren't a producer (yet), but would like to work with us on our goals and be recognized as a member, you have two choices: Associate membership is for organizations allied with our purposes, and for individuals, who wish to have their affiliation recognized (at events and in publications). Enthusiast membership is for hobbyists, students, and the like. We recommend that cidery-in-planning folks join as Associates.  Memberships may be upgraded.  Membership benefits will include reduced admission to RMCA events. We're pursuing other benefits.

To apply for membership, please see Membership Application.

If you have questions about the organization, please contact our president,

prez at rmcider dot org   (make the obvious substitutions)